Teaching proper hygiene and sanitation is needed to promote good health.

Cleanliness is imperative to a healthy lifestyle, the germs and bacteria that villagers may come in contact with on a daily basis can be harsh on the body. Therefore it is essential to maintain good personal hygiene.

We teach the basics of human hygiene, for many in remote villages new water wells may be the first time they have had water choices. We teach the importance of maintaining separate containers for drinking water and the importance of water and well site cleanliness. We teach the necessity of keeping the well site free and away from human and animal waste.

Brushing teeth, its regularity and importance to maintain healthily teeth and gums is also stressed. We provide tooth brushes and paste to many of the mothers in these remote areas.

We do not dispense medical supplies but we work hand in hand with both local and missionary medical teams. We have been able to assist and participate in medical brigades which provide much needed medical helps for the families.

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