Project Canefire was established so that men and women of God can serve others in need. We are a faith-based organization. We believe we have been saved for service, not by service. We strive to provide others with the basics to live a healthy life, to educate in health and love and God, to help build and restore centers for education and health and worship and to show the Love of God to all people.

In 2008, Project Canefire was established as a stand alone non-profit 501c3 organization.

The organization has taken trips for 16 years, providing wells and constructing buildings.
During each of these trips the teams have also spent time doing mission work in the
villages. Each trip the teams have been able to provide to the local people; bibles, educational materials and clothing. The organization has been serving others in the Caribbean and Central America primarily focused in the Dominican Republic. We believe we are called to :

  • Provide the basics of life and healthy living to people in developing countries.
  • Serve God by serving others.
  • Show and share the love of God.
  • Help build and restore centers for education, health and worship.
  • Provide the basic nourishment of life - fresh water.
  • To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God

We have seen the need and understand the requirement of the service which we have been able to provide to the people of the Dominican Republic. It is our desire to continue our efforts there and expand our outreach to other areas around the world with the same needs.

The organization is divided into 3 groups

  1. Construction projects
  2. Providing Fresh Water Wells
  3. Micro Enterprise

All reach to provide - Medical - Hygiene - Church Development - Evangelism

Financial support has been provided by local individuals, local Churches, and corporations.

Board Members

Chairman and Public Relations Officer
Vice Chairman and Secretary
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Quality Assurance and Purchasing Manager
Chief Marketing and Sales Manager
Global Liaison Director
Well Training Manager
Director of Evangelism
Director of Engineering

© Copyright 2010 - Project Canefire, Inc.